How soon after lap RNY can you get a massage?

I'm 10 days post-op and recovering well. I'd love to treat myself to a massage, but don't know how long I should wait. Anyone else try it? Thanks!    — ediecat (posted on October 6, 2002)

October 6, 2002
Susan, I am having one tomorrow. It is my bday and I have been wanting one since surgery day. I am a little over 7 wks post-op.
   — heathercross

October 6, 2002
Go for it. A lot of hospitals now offer massages while your still in the hospital.
   — Linda A.

October 6, 2002
I had a massage within the first two weeks of my lap RNY. Before the massage, my calves and lower back ached, but after the massage I felt much better and I haven't ached since. Enjoy!
   — Elizabeth S.

October 6, 2002
I have a massage once a month at least, and have done so ever since I could safely lay on my stomach, about 2 months postop. I did have one before that, too, but it was a sitting massage, you sit in a chair and put your face and arms on a ring-shaped thingy, it feels very good just to have your neck, shoulders and back done, its not the same as a full massage but it is still wonderful! I love massage and find it to be extremely therapeutic! Good luck!
   — donnalawbabe

October 6, 2002
Good for you! I have gotten massages every two weeks since I was 6 mos. post op (now 21 mos. post-op). Massages are a wonderful thing to have for your skin, circulation, attitude, stress and I believe it has helped the operation post-op.
   — Betty Todd

October 13, 2002
I'd say as soon as you are comfortable laying on your stomach. But to be safe, I'd tell the masseuse that'd I had recent surgery and to be gentle.
   — Lynette B.

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