Has anyone here who weighed 250 or more, not had to have skin removal surgery?

   — Angela S. (posted on November 20, 2002)

November 19, 2002
I weighed 250. I don't have to have any skin removal. I wish the skin were a bit tighter, and so if I did have surgery, it would just be for vanity. There is no medical reason for me to have it done. The loose skin is minimal and looks like I've had a couple of pregnancies, which I have.
   — Cheri M.

November 19, 2002
I am one of the very lucky people that will not have to have any more surgery to remove excess skin. I started out at 450 and am now 238. Somehow my big old belly shrunk back in and is pretty flat. My wife, however, complains all the time about her excess skin in the stomach area. She has lost 110 lbs and her big old belly is still there!!!! She is going to kill me for saying that!! Do you think there is a difference between men and women when it come to this excess skin problem? My wife says she thinks there is a big difference. I lost faster than her and I am firmer. What do you think?

November 19, 2002
I lost 130 pounds and havent needed surgery for skin removal. I lost around 120 in 6 months and looked pretty bad but at 16 months its much improved. Everyone is different...
   — bob-haller

November 19, 2002
hiya. i was 268lbs pre op and am only 5'1/4". i have excess skin around my tummy and "batwings" but i lift weights and that has helped tighten the batwings some. i've been going back and forth over having a tummy tuck but it would be for vanity reasons more than anything else. i don't NEED one. i would like to have a "flat" stomach for once in my life but everyone says that i look fine. so the jury is still out for me! lol take care, kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs
   — jkb

November 20, 2002
I'm down about 130 pounds so far with about 20 more to go and I won't need to have any skin removed. My arms aren't as tight as they used to be but my stomach is pretty flat. I guess I'm just lucky. I started out at 350 pounds.
   — Michael N.

November 20, 2002
My starting weight was 268. I am down 106 pounds, below goal. I have no sagging skin. However I drink Real Meals everyday. It has lean muscle stimultors to prevent sagging skin. It has worked great for me. I don't know where I would have gotten the money for plastic surgery.
   — Linda A.

November 20, 2002
Do you think age has anything to do with having more excess skin? I always believed, when you were younger, everything bounced back quicker.
   — Janice H.

November 20, 2002
You're right, Janice. Age and genetics do affect the elasticity of the skin. The number of previous abdominal surgeries, stretch marks, and pregnancies also affect it. And despite what a product may claim, nothing you drink or eat will change that!
   — LLinderman

November 20, 2002
Thanks everyone for your responses. That was just something that I had been thinking about.
   — Angela S.

November 20, 2002
I'm 4'11" tall, started out at 252 and now weigh 115. Take a look at my profile...I don't think I NEED to have any reconstructive surgery, though to be honest, I would love a tight flat tummy. I have very little skin rashes and unless I'm naked, you really can't see the loose skin in my tummy. My arms aren't bad either. I get lots of compliments on how toned I am. I guess if I were younger and more likely to be seen a lot in swimsuits it might be different, but at 44, I'm just too happy to be healthy to risk surgery for anything that's not life threatening.
   — Teri D.

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