Can you all get it in each day?

I am just over 3 weeks post-op and finding it hard to get all my water in each day. 64 oz. is hard when you really weren't a drinker before surgery. I try and try but I can not get it in each day. Between waiting 30 minutes till I eat and waiting another 45 minutes after you eat and not really wanting it.........I am having problems getting it in. Any suggestions??? I seem to also have been on a platue for a week.....not losing at all. I contribute it to the not getting in my liquids.......PLEASE HELP! Getting very discouraged.    — crazybadbug (posted on December 28, 2002)

December 27, 2002
Please understand that almost no one can get in all their protein and all their water when they are newly post-op. Do make sure that you are sipping water all day. Keep a water bottle with you at all times, but go easy on yourself. You will eventually work up to the full 64 oz.
   — garw

December 27, 2002
I had the same problem. It gets easier. I take a bottle every where with me, even to bed at night. I use the 24 oz with the pull top. Three of these a day give you all your required water. Try Crystal lite or decaf tea for an alternitive.
   — Tawnda C.

December 27, 2002
Try using Splenda and lemon juice to the water to make a lemonade flavor, and just sip constantly. Your NOT on a plateau at only 3 weeks out, Be patient and watch what YOUR body does. You will lose.
   — ZZ S.

December 27, 2002
Sipping constanly worked for me, I used Crystal Light, lemon water, decaf tea, ice water, whatever, and always have something near, and just sip as I thoguht about it... it was hard at first, but slowly I was able to drink more and more, and made a good habit with the water thing... so take your time, and try not to worry too much, just sip...
   — MF

December 28, 2002
I am in the same boat (open RNY October 30, 2002)and I WAS a water drinker since my Weight Watchers days. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in a day. I know this will all get better and I just trudge along doing the best I can.
   — Ginger M.

December 28, 2002
I'm afraid that you will hit plateaus whether you get in all your water or not. It just happens sometimes. As far as not getting in your water, I was the same way. And I am 5 months out now and if I am not thinking about it all day long, I still have trouble. I would say just do your best. My doc only required 32 oz. in the beginning for me and some days I had a tough time with that! So I can imagine how hard it would have been for 64 oz. As long as you are taking lots of sips all day long, I think you will do fine. Doing that, before you know it you'll be drinking even more that those 64 oz. that seem so hard now. :) Good luck!
   — Laurel C.

December 28, 2002
Apryl, First, I agree with the other answer about plateaus. They happen. But the best way to avoid the disappoinment and discouragement caused by plateaus is to STAY OFF THE SCALES. My surgeon made me promise that I wouldn't weigh except in his office (later he allowed me to weigh at the monthly support group meetings). I didn't weigh til I was 12 days post-op and then not again til I was 10 1/2 weeks post-op. It was difficult but I was rewarded each time with huge losses which was wonderful. I couldn't drink all the water at first either. I probably got in 64 ounces of liquid when I was on all liquids but after I started eating, it was more difficult. Time will help. But, having said that, DRINK AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. There is so much talk on here abou the drinking helping with the weight loss - the important thing is to stay very hydrated and avoid kidney problems caused by not drinking enough. My surgeon stressed from the beginning that drinking was very important because of the kidneys, no other reason. Do you drink just water or have you tried sugar free Crystal Light or sugar free Tang. Crystal Light was very important (and still is) to my fluid consumption because I don't like water. You can also have decaf tea, coffee and some juices which all count toward your liquids. Early out, I drank a tremendous amount of V8 Juice and it was considered the same as water. I hope this helps you and just keep trying to sip as much as you can.
   — Patty_Butler

December 28, 2002
Don't forget to try to increase your fluid intake in other ways...sugar free popsicles are still a staple for me. Also, herbal teas (I prefer peppermint) with Splenda not only count toward your water intake but soothe your tummy.
   — Anna L.

December 28, 2002
Iced tea with Splenda is excellent for helping you get in all your fluids. For some reason, it just goes down easier than water.
   — Terissa R.

December 28, 2002
Try sucking liquid cubes, diet pop frozen in cubes, crystal light frozen in cubes...I even did that during meals to help get food to go down well in my early pre-op days. It's really hard and nearly impossible to get it all in during the first month or two. It will get easier.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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