What does an ulcer feel like? I have been having a burning sensation in my stomach

   — kary1026 (posted on February 3, 2003)

February 3, 2003
Kary, when I had an ulcer it felt much like a burning, or constant gnawing. It would help to drink milk, or constantly coat my stomach with tiny chews or saltines until it was mush. Gavascon (like Mylanta) worked really well for me too. Check with your doctor. If it's an ulcer, it can be easily treated and you'll find immediate relief with medicine.
   — Martha K.

February 3, 2003
It oculd be an ulcer. Does it feel better to have something constantly in your stomach? I know my stomach burns and I feel nauseaus alot, but it helps to have something in my tummy almost all the time, for instance milk, like the previous poster said. Some people say that water tastes metallic. I would def. get it checked out, better to be safe than sorry! Goodluck, hope u feel better!
   — Lezlie Y.

February 3, 2003
Hi - I had a slow burning pain in my stomach and thought it may be an ulcer too. But, it ended up that I was taking my iron pills on an empty stomach and it was bothering me. I haven't had the burning feeling since.
   — Kim B

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