How soon before WLS can I have a another type of surgery?

My WLS is June 3rd. I have a very painful lump in my leg above my knee. When I went to the Dr.he was not happy I had waited.I thought I had pulled a muscle or something.NOT my luck.He said it will need to come out. He sent me for a MRI on Saturday.He wants to be sure of what it is. His mannor scared me a lil . Okay alot. If I can put it off til after the WLS I will.But I was wondering if I can have another surgery before WlS and do Okay? I just had surgery on both elbows and wrists 2 weeks apart and did okay. I need a pep talk or a group hug.Thanks    — Autumn (posted on May 11, 2003)

May 11, 2003
I can't say an exact time b/c I haven't been through an experience like that. BUt you will need to give yourself enough time to be able to walk comfortably after surgery. It's hard enough to get up and move around the first few days, if not weeks after surgery, so to have pain in your leg will not help any, know what I mean? Could you have the knee surgery like pronto? Maybe that could help, otherwise maybe you should wait till after surgery. Just my opinion, you could be fine with walking, just not sure- I'd ask your doc the recovery time. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

May 11, 2003
I am scheduled for WLS in July. I just had leg surgery (vein stripping)in April and my dr. said as long as they were 30 days apart it would be okay. Hope this is helpful.
   — Jeannie4

May 11, 2003
You should ask your doctors this because the answer will vary greatly from patient to patient. The variables include your state of health, age, how well you came through the first surgery, etc. etc. Good luck and ((((((((HUGS)))))))))
   — [Deactivated Member]

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