I am 17 mos. post op WLS and lately my iron levels have been low.

I take a good liquid vitamin, but I may need some extra iron supplements. What type is it that is more readily absorbed with gastric-by-pass? In the meantime I am eating all kinds of foods with iron until my next blood work Thurs. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Jean    — Jean B. (posted on November 29, 2003)

November 29, 2003
We need the carbonyl iron. A lot of folks take the ferrous sulfate and we can't absorb that any longer. if your doc finds that your iron levels are low, he will probably give you a prescription for iron.
   — Delores S.

November 29, 2003
That or polysaccharride iron. Iron is always taken with vit C, never with caffeine or dairy, any other vites, minerals or meds. Isolate them for at least an hour. These irons are ok taken with a bit of (non-dairy)food. Probably you will get no absorption of iron from food sources, since we can no longer digest (as in chemically break it down) and the iron does not go past the iron-absorption-station, so to speak. Don't be broken hearted, ok?
   — vitalady

November 30, 2003
I take the iron by Bariatric Advantage. I get them from
   — Melissa P.

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