My favorite snack is pork rinds

I absolutely love them....especially the spicy ones. I thought they were a good source of protein at 9 gm per 0.5 ounce, but then it says "not a significant source of protein." Can anyone tell me what that means. It seems like a significant source to me! Thanks.    — MedTrans (posted on December 12, 2003)

December 13, 2003
Pork rinds are so versatile! You can crunch them up, add spices, and use them to coat meat prior to frying or baking. You can make cheese puffs out of them. You can also make Taco-Bell-cinnamin-crispa-imposters out of them. Pork rinds are great. I don't eat them for the protein, I eat them because when I need a crunchy salty snack (potato chips are my vice), I know that pork rinds are legal. :)
   — Dragon G.

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