The pain between my shoulder blades

I am only 4 1/2 months post-op and down -83 lbs, but my large boobs and hanging skin on my arms is pulling me forward and the top of my neck and the pain between the shoulder blades is getting so bad. I thought that the removal of the apron would have to be my first PS, but I can handle that for now, but I do not know what to do. It is to soon for my reconstuctive surgery to start, but as my body frame gets smaller the weight from my arms and breast are pulling my back really bad. What did some of you all do until you could have a breast reduction and the lose skin on your arms removed? Yes, I have rashes under my arm pits and under my boobs, but I use some Monistat cream and that helps there, but the pain is so bad, and you can only take so many Tyernol. Please, I can use any suggestions to help me.    — cindy (posted on December 19, 2003)

December 19, 2003
First of all, congratulations on your great success! You're doing great! Make sure all your rashes and aches/pains get documented with your PCP. All of these things will help you get approval for your plastic surgery. The breast reduction/lift/reconstruction will certainly help with the back pain. You may be able to have those procedures done quicker than anticipated, especially with the uncomfortableness you're experiencing now. I've had that pain/achey thing going in between my shoulders for a few months and I'm sure its due to the shift in weight and how I carry my body. Keep up the great work and remember to document everything with your PCP. Happy Holidays! Open RNY 1/3/03 330/187/175
   — chelle3081

December 19, 2003
Congratulations on your success. Try a chiropractor--mine is a miracle worker. I spent too much time believing chiropractors were quacks. If I would have went years ago for my neck problems, I could have saved myself years of pain & agony. Now with losing the weight, I too feel a pain & general uncomfotableness in my lower back and shoulder blades. He explained the shifting of weight and gravitatational pull and how it affects me. He adjusts me and it is much better. If you've never been to a chiropractor, please don't knock it until you've tried it. I wish I would have listened to that advise a long time ago. Audra, Open RNY 8-7-03, 248/173/140
   — jellybean0605

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