Low Blood Sugar 6 months post op

I am about 6 months post op, and maybe starting at around 4 months I've been having dizzy spells, shakiness and weekness. As best as I've noticed, this either occurs during the day when I've had a lot of water or after I work out. There are some parts of the month (seems like maybe when I'm ovulating) that I feel REALLY weak and have a hard time even with the simplest workout. Oh and the other time I see this is if I eat something and dump, and then later have a wave of feeling weak after I already start to feel better from the dumping. Maybe what's happening there is that my blood sugar shoots up and then plummets down??!? Recently I tested my blood sugar and found that during a weak spell (not after dumping) it was about 50. My fasting blood sugar has been about 70ish. Anyway, I wondered what could be causing this. Does anyone else have this problem? Does anyone (well, ladies only of course) see it tied to their cycle?    — w8free (posted on April 2, 2004)

April 2, 2004
You may want to check with your DR. As a diabetic, those sugar reading are definately low blood sugar. You may want to keep a record of your readings to go over with your DR. Hope this info helps.
   — crjt

April 2, 2004
Unfortunately reactive hypoglycemia seems to be part of our disease. Without surgery, it's diabetes. With the massive wt loss, it shows up this way. While no one is an authority here, many on the Grad list are dealing with this. The docs are stumped, but we all have worked out ways of coping with it. Although you can't speak yet, you can observe and we talk about it fairly often. Here's the link:
   — vitalady

April 3, 2004
Thank you all for the good information and advice!
   — w8free

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