Possibility of profile site counter

I've wondered as well as many others, how many times my profile has been viewed. Is there a way to put a "hitcounter" on our websites? Or to make it an option to add one?    — zannaguinn (posted on February 28, 2005)

February 28, 2005
I got mine here all YOu have to do is pick the one you want and it should give you a html code to copy and paste somewhere on your profile where you update.
   — Shell G

March 1, 2005
You can also send in a request to the html department and ask them to put on on your page, that is what I did. Just send it to [email protected].
   — TheresaC

March 1, 2005
this site has some free counters: just pick the one you want out, fill in some general info about yourself, and copy and paste the code into where you update your profile. very quick and easy
   — LadyNRed1973

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