I would like to have more information about this procedure, where it is performed.

Need a reference Doctor if possible. Thanks.    — Alyce K. (posted on June 15, 1999)

July 11, 1999
If this is the procedure I am thinking of than check out the website This surgery is not yet approved by the FDA but doctors in California and some other parts of the country and taking limited patients for test groups. There are also doctors in Canada, Mexico and Europe who have been doing this procedure for a couple years now. The surgery involves no cutting of the interior stomach parts but only placing a adjustable band around the stomach to form an hourglass so food intake will be limited. The process is completely reversible and requires almost no hospital stay. Unfortunately it is not as effective as the RNY.
   — [Anonymous]

October 9, 1999
I have undergone the Lap-Band (AGB) procedure 3 weeks ago. Here is a website with very much information: The procedure is performed all over the world, although it is still in FDA trials in the USA. I had my surgery in Mexico and I had no problems at all. Hope this hepls.
   — [Anonymous]

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