What would cause a collasped lung directly after surgery?

there is a person who is in our support group and came out of surgery - was very winded after surgery - come to find out a couple of days later she had a colasped lung. Her surgery was an open RNYGB - my question is this a common experience?? Thank you. Janice Paige    — Janice P. (posted on December 20, 1999)

December 20, 1999
No, nto common, but yes it happens. Has your friend gone back? She could have a serious, mega-problem! She needs to get back with her doc AT ONCE! Be sure and let us know what happens and that she comes OK. All right?
   — vitalady

December 20, 1999
I had the same problem following my surgery, and it seemed to have been caused by pleurisy (inflamation of sac around lung). It isn't unusual for fluid to collect at the site of inflamation ... in my case, they ended up draining more than 2 litres and I felt better immediately. Cindy
   — Cynthia B.

December 22, 1999
It is not uncommon to have respiritory problems after any type of abdominal surgery. This is not an RNY problem strictly. A respiratory therapist should have been working with your friend on blowing into a plastic gizmo to make sure she was breathing properly because of the surgery.
   — Vicki Z.

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