Does the Gastric Bypass work?

It all depends on YOU. I have a twenty years with gastric bypass. Mine was done December 1980. I was twenty at the time and I am now forty. Eric, forgive me. I don't care about thier little five year studies. Until anyone has had it as long as I have. I also had a son 1988 which my stomach staphled. I watch my mother die due to the staphling being of the complications and her perscrpition abuse being the other. My cousin, ate her way back to 250 lbs and still has problems from the staphling. Then there is me at 175 lbs from 350 lbs in 1980. The key is to eat right, excerise and to take care of your body. This is second chance to live normal life.    — Margaret G. (posted on January 1, 2000)

January 1, 2000
Margaret, Thank you for posting your insight. It was very informational and enlightening. I wish more post ops would come to this site and let us how they are doing. It seems that as soon as some have had their surgery we lose them. Again, thank you and please come back again.
   — TERRY L.

January 1, 2000
Yup, it works! My experience has only been 9 weeks long, but I have more energy and am feeling more hopeful than I have in years. Not only have I lost 50+ pounds, I have no interest in sweets! My first real sweets test came last Monday while at the family's home after a funeral ... creme puffs, hundreds of cookies, punch, etc; I felt NO inclination at all to try any of that stuff. Instead, had mostly protein type stuff and felt great. RNY distal offers everything I wanted for help with weight loss: restricted stomach capacity & feeling full longer, malabsorption, and dumping to help me avoid sweets. Now my body is helping me avoid the foods that are the least healthful. My goal is to have lost 100 pounds by the time summer comes along; I'll celebrate by taking a canoe trip with my kids, hiking, not wearing a sweater no matter the temperature, and feeling more like 45 instead of 65. I have a long way to go yet (want to lose another 65-70 lb), but already consider the surgery a success. Just my .02 worth. Cindy
   — Cynthia B.

February 18, 2000
Yes, they really work. I have been postop for 9 months now and have gone from a size 26 to an 8... 135 pounds later I am happy as a clam although i still have about 13 pounds to go to get my BMI in order. It has NOT been a terrible experience at all although the dumping is my biggest hurdle. but that is MY fault. If i eat sweets or fats what do i expect? I tryed eating all the "right" foods and lost very little. Now i eat what i want, have dumping in the morning and lose about a pound a day....weird way to lose but it works for me...i wouldn't recommend it but it is working. My only problem is that i am scared that I will not stop losing. I am at 142 and don't really want to go below 130 at my age.(41) too much loose skin to be honest and i now look older because of it. I used to not want to wear a bathing suit cause of the it's because of the skin. oh well..i should be happy that i am healthy at least. right?? good luck!

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