I am still very tired all the time.

Everyday I get extremely tired after eating just a few bites of food. I usually have a protein shake in the morning, salad for lunch and protein for dinner. However everytime I eat or drink I get extremely fatigue and tired. I take a multivitamin everyday. What could this be coming from. It is most miserable at work always yawning and sleepy. I had my blood sugar checked that was fine. I am 7 weeks post op.    — gcs8v (posted on February 22, 2001)

February 22, 2001
Hi there. I don't have an answer to your question- But I too am tired all the time. It takes all I have just to get out of bed in the morning. I see my surgeon tomorrow and will have to ask him. I am just over 5 weeks post op. Take care and good luck!
   — Cindy K.

February 22, 2001
Have you had your iron checked? What about your B-12?
   — Kellie L.

February 22, 2001
Gaynell, didn't you ask a similar question on the 5th of this month? Were you able to talk to your doctor about it? Your body might be missing some important minerals or vitamins. Wouldn't hurt to check it out, especially if it made you feel better.
   — [Anonymous]

February 22, 2001
How many calories are you consuming? You need to be getting in close to 800 a day to have energy and from what you said, it doesn't look like it to me! You should be on B-12. I take 500 mcg. daily along with 2 Flintstones complete. And, if you are still menstruating, you should be on iron too. Plus, at 7 weeks post op, I was still requiring a daily nap. Our bodies have to heal, and rest is an important part of that. Best wishes.
   — Cindy H.

February 22, 2001
Are you drinking with meals? How much sugar are you getting that you didn't notice? Like milk, applesauce, yogurt...? That sounds like a light dumping episode, perhaps. Also, 1 multi-vite a day doesn't cover your nutritional bases if you are now RNY, therefore missing the digesting portion of your stomach. Protein, iron, calcium, A, D, E, zinc & B12 are elements that need to be supplemented, so hopefully you will have some labs run in another couple of weeks so you know where you stand. However, they may be willing to check your iron & B12 NOW. Also, a 2nd protein drink might perk you up, providing it is a true protein drink and not something like CIB+milk or Ensure, which is not a good source of protein, but is an excellent source of sugar.
   — vitalady

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