Is having just one bowel movemet since surgery ok?

I am one week post-op, i have had only one bowel movement, is this normal? Also if i am loseing and there is no bowel movement, where is it going? lol hope this question is not to stupied:)    — angela G. (posted on June 20, 2001)

June 20, 2001
Something that has worked for me is powdered ascorbic acid. Mix a little with juice(not water, it tstes gross)and drink that. it's just Vitamin C and when your body has enough it just flushes you out. If that doesn't work you should call your Dr. You may need an enema. You don't want your bowels to get impacted, it's very uncomfortable. I don't know where the weight is going but good luck.
   — [Anonymous]

June 20, 2001
Hi, I also had trouble in this area (am 3 weeks post-op). someone on this site mentioned a tea call Smooth Moves. I bought some and it does work. You should be able to find it at your local grocery was in the Health Food section at my store vs the coffee/tea aisle. Good Luck
   — chance2lv

June 20, 2001
Hi. No, your question is not stupid. It's a pretty good question actually. I don't go to often either, & I'm 4 weeks out. I think you're not supposed to go more than 3 days without a BM, but I don't know if that rule applies from the very beginning, or once you're on more solid foods. My doc suggested Colace (a stool softener). Also, Citrucel for fiber (bulk). Are you on nothing but clear liquids right now? I was at 1 week post-op and I wondered how they expected me to poop if I wasn't eating any solids. I thought liquids you take in will only come out as pee. Maybe someone knows? So anyway, if you're on liquids, maybe you're OK, but ask your surgeon. If you're on more than liquid, I would think that you should be having BMs. Again, let your doctor know. This may sound rediculous, but maybe you should keep a little record of when you go. That's what I'm going to do, because I often forget when was the last time I went. Of course, at this time you have no trouble remembering - it's only been once. But I mean once you get your bowels moving. As for you're loosing weight in absense of BMs, maybe it's all coming out in your pee. Are you peeing alot? Remember, let your doc know you're having problems, just to double-check that everything's OK.
   — [Anonymous]

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