has anyone had a partial gastrectomy(as in the DS) without

any of the intestinal changes? If so, hhow has your weight loss been?    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 29, 2001)

June 29, 2001
I am guessing your talking about the vertical gastroplasy? It when the surgeon removes the 75% of the stomach, like in the DS. Well, that is what I have done. May 29th was my surgery, and have lost #25 to date. Feel free to ask me questions if you wish.
   — Cindy S.

April 26, 2003
I have had the gastrectomy done september 3, 2002 and it is now april 26,2003 and I have lost 104 pounds to date. My surgeon was Dr. Peter Crookes out of USC university hospital. I thought it wouldn't be enough but I am kicking butt at weight loss. First of all WLS is only the start and a second chance at changing our lives it isn't a magical cure. We have to take the initiative to make our lives healthier. If you don't make the changes necessary we will end up right back where we started. It is about moderation and learning what your body is telling you. I feel this is the best proceedure at this time for myself. I don't feel so restricted and I feel in control and accountable for my food choices we once lived to eat and now I know how to eat to live. Some days are harder than others but when you learn the consequences for your poor food choices you adjust your activity accordingly. With other surgeries I have met people who hated the bathroom situation and being restricted as to what they could eat. It is definitely a life style change and 7 1/2 months out I eat maybe a child's size portion of food which I can't complete but you learn when you body is full. You learn better food choices. But if you aren't as willing to put forth effort in your weight loss than I suggest you try other methods because what I eat is absorbed into my body and I am held accountable for what I eat. I feel this surgery is a better choice.
   — Theresa P.

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