What is Fibromyalgia?

I am curious to know what exactly Fibromyalgia is. I have had excessive heavy sweating since I can remember. It is very embarrassing! I just assume it's because of my obesity. Has anyone that has had a drastic weight loss been cured of excessive sweating?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 6, 2001)

July 6, 2001
Fibromyalgia is an illness that involves pain and fatigue. It has specific symptoms that a physician can make a diagnosis from. A good diet and appropriate exercise are part of the treatment. It is related to weak immune system, I can't tell you anything more than that but I have never heard anyone connect fibromyalgia to profuse sweating. I am sure their is a web site that can give you better and more complete information on both issues.
   — [Anonymous]

July 6, 2001
"Fibromyalgia is a disorder is a disorder of the connective tissue which is 4 times more commen in women than in men. It involves painful and stiff muscles,tendons and ligaments, as well as fatigue and sleep disturbances. People with this disorder have a number of tender points-particular muscles and tendons that become painful when pressed. Often pressure on a tender point between the ribs and cartliage can result in chest pain". This per The Harvard Guide to Women's Health. I have a friend who isn't overweight at all and she suffers from this disorder. From what I understand there isn't one single test to say you have it-you need to rule other things out that are similar in nature with symptoms. Hope this helps
   — Linda M.

July 6, 2001
Fibromylgia is a syndrom that causes pain in the muscles. It takes several doctors to finally diagnois this. It is treated with pain pills and muscle relaxers. Some days are worse than others. As far as I know sweating is not part of this. Also you must excerise, swimming is the best
   — Penny W.

July 6, 2001
Fibromyalgia is basically pain in your muscles and soft connective tissues. The sweating, though, is why I am writing. My brother sweated like the pig his whole life. He used to have to bring a change of clothes to work and change midday. It was embarrassing and inconvenient. Turns out he has this unusual syndrome and he had surgery to sever a specific nerve in his armpit area and he doesn't sweat now. He calls it a miracle. If you write me with your email address, I will forward it to my brother and he can tell you the name of the condition and how it was cured. [email protected] Nancy
   — Nancy G.

July 6, 2001
I read the previous posted and they are mostly right. Fibromyalgia is in the muscles. It causes pain and stiffness and the symptoms wax and wayne. It is a disease of exclusion. After they've tested for everthing else that's what you get. There are points on yur body called trigger points. A person with Fibromyalgia (FMS) has pain in at least 11 og 18 trigger points when 15 lbs of pressure is applied. It is associated with sleep disturbances. People with FMS awaken several times at night and feel like they have not slept much is at all. This causes fatigue. It is a complexity of symptoms and intensity of symptoms. I was diagnosed with FMS several years ago and have done alot of research. They are several good referances online including one with the American Academy of Rheumatologists. Good luck in your search. Carol
   — Carol T.

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