incontinence... Could some of you post ops tell me if and how long it

took for stress incontinence to clear? I know that my big belly pressing on my bladder is a big part of the problem and am wondering how many pounds I will need to loose. I had this problem when I was 60 lbs lighter so I expect I will need to loose at least that much. I have kegeled my p elvic floor into good tone but I still have the problem.    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 5, 2001)

August 5, 2001
I was recently at my doc's office and noticed an advertisemnt for a new drug for incontinence. I don't recall the name, but maybe your doc. knows.
   — Cindee A.

August 5, 2001
I think it may depend on how much weight a person has to lose but can tell you my experience. I had about 100 lbs to lose total and have lost the first 60 in 3 1/2 months (lap/rny). I can honestly say that my stress incontinence went away almost immediately after surgery and it had been bad for years. I lost 13 lbs the first week and 20 lbs by week 3 and can't remember the last time since surgery that I had the problem, not even when I sneeze. I think not only has the weight loss helped the problem but not having a stomach stretched out filled with food constantly also has helped a great deal with the stress incontinence as well as acid reflux (gone), heartburn (gone) headaches (gone).
   — [Anonymous]

August 6, 2001
I, too, had stress incontinence before surgery. I don't know really when it went away, just one day I realized it was gone. I'm 11 months post-op, and know it has been at least 4-5 months since I realized it had gone bye-bye. I am definitely not mourning it's departure! (((HUGS))))
   — nealp

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