Can we only have decaf Ice Tea?

I love to make a gallon of sun tea...and drink tons of it. I noticed many people said they drank DECAF Ice Tea....I like regular iced sun tea....can I drink it? Also can I eat ice the first couple weeks post op? I am an ice eater and am hoping I don't have to give it up. thanks    — Cherie K. (posted on September 1, 2001)

September 1, 2001
I am 5.5 months post op, and I tried drinking decaf tea about about two months after surgery. I just couldn't take it. I switched to regular tea, and I do not have any problems. I know some people think it will cause you to want to eat more. Since I am never get hungry this is not an issue for me. Oh yes, about your ice eating, are you anemic? I am, and I would eat trays of ice everyday before surgery. I only eat ice about once a day now, because one of my doctors put me on prescription iron. However, my hemaglobin is still terribly low. I do limit myself to one glass of tea a day, and the other 64-80 ounces are the recommended glasses of water. Anyway, pull out the sweet and low and enjoy!! :)
   — sheron H.

September 1, 2001
Supposedly, caffeine can stimulate hunger, but that was never enough to get me to give up my 2 cups of hi-test coffee in the AM. What is more important, IMO, is that caffeine is a DE-hydrator. So, for every 8 oz. of a caffenated beverage, you should have 8 oz. of a decaf bev. So, have you tried sun tea with decaf tea bags? Leslie
   — Leslie F.

September 2, 2001
I've never had problems with Caffine or ice, although Caffine does give me alittle buzz now which it never did before.
   — Danmark

September 2, 2001
Caffeine can dehydrate your cells. If you have 8 ounces of a caffeine containing beverage, you're supposed to add 8 ounces to your water intake for the day. If you drink enough caffeine, there's no way that you're going to be able to keep up with the water intake required. I've been going to nutrition classes for this. So, my advice to you.... just really limit the amount of caffeine you consume. If there's an alternative, take it. Good luck!
   — FireJewel

September 4, 2001
It looks like the Decaf tea question has been answered but as far as the ice, yes you can chew ice. All I got for two days post op was crushed ice. I know some people that can't drink water very well without swallowing air so they eat ice instead. Its water and you need to get as much as you can in any form.
   — Lori W.

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