I have two questions..#1 how much weight do people lose in their first month

after surgery...#2 am I the only one who is chewing the food and spitting it out?    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 18, 2002)

February 18, 2002
i have to lol because i thought i was the only one doing that i jest get tired of chewing and the meal is over 3 months out and down close to 70 lbs take care and you are not alone
   — melissa W.

February 18, 2002
I have lost 42 lbs in 1 month
   — Robert L.

February 18, 2002
I had lost 25 lbs at 2 weeks and 47 pounds at 6 weeks. So, soomewhere between these two. Early post op, I would occasionally chew some things just for the taste and then spit them out. It was actually recommended to me by my surgeon. I did not do this regularly, in fact I am a year post op and I think that I may have done it 5 times (?). Now, this is different than chewing something and not liking how it feels in my mouth and knowing that I should NOT swallow it. I've done this a lot more and purely out of necessity. I've spit hard/chewy chicken, etc.. into a napkin before. I really didn't care about etiquette. I don't think anyone even noticed. So, no you are not alone. Shelley
   — Shelley.

February 18, 2002
The amount you loose in the first month depends on how much you have to loose total. I lost 23.5 pounds in my first month, but I only have 120 to loose total. That is about on track with what is expected for me, even though when faced with the numbers, it doesn't seem to compare to the 40 that some people loose. I just have to remember that my body will do what is right for it. And re:#2- End of week one, I licked a piece of pizza- couldn't HAVE it, understandably, but really wanted a taste. It satisfied the need. I don't really do that now- I just eat a little of what I want and chuck the rest.
   — Angela B.

February 18, 2002
#1 We all lose differently... but we all like to compare, understandably. I lost 44 my first month, and then it dropped off to around 17 for the next three... this month it's not going anywere! :-) #2 I find that oftentimes I have to chew and spit out because it just gets to tiring to finish... I tried French onion soup once and the cheese was so chewy it was hard to break down in my mouth, so I chewed and spit it out, chewed, spit out, etc. (Sure tasted good). I have had to do the same with some meats also. It's just always a judgment call on how well it is breaking up in my mouth.
   — Jennifer P.

February 18, 2002
I lost 44 pounds my first month; from a starting weight of 310 (BMI 54.9). My weight loss the following four months averages 16.75 lbs a month. I am five months out and down 112 pounds (to 198!)<p>I chewed and spit a few times, but I actually found good substitutes for many of the things I was craving. Pizza was the hardest, but I found that instant mashed potatoes with tangy spaghetti sauce and melted cheese was close enough. I was really missing the tangy sauce more than anything. Maybe it's worth it to think about some of those things you're really craving to see if there's acceptable substitutes. Hang in there, it gets much easier in time.
   — Julia M.

February 18, 2002
My nutritionist really gave me a hard time for doing that. I was only 2 weeks out and my family was having steak for dinnner. I just wanted the juices of the steak, so I chewed and spit out. She was right in saying that it could start a bad habit and it didn't look too good in front of the kids. She said that it could start something bad with my daughter. After thinking about what she said, I decided not to do it again. Just be careful that it doesn't turn into a habit. If you are still early in your journey, its probably ok just to get a 'taste' of something. But when you can start eating real food, I would try to stop doing it. Good luck.
   — Cheri M.

June 7, 2002
I am 7 weeks out and have lost 57 pounds. I lost 34 pounds in the first 3 weeks, and it has been a slower, steadier, weight loss since. I can't believe how fast it's gone, and how well I am feeling.
   — mam352001

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