Is this pain really caused by spasms?

Hi everyone! I know I've posted many questions about this same problem I've been having since my gallbladder removal on 5/14/02 and everyone's thoughts and comments are very much appreciated. After having many tests to rule out pancreatitis, bladder / urinary tract infection, and ulcer I still have relentless pain in my back and abdomen below and to each side of my belly button. The GI doctor thinks I'm having spasms somewhere and has prescribed Bentyl. Here's my question: If I were having spasms, wouldn't my pain cramp and clench more? The pain I experience is just a solid ache that is continuous. I take the bentyl about 1/2 hour before a meal and then I eat. My stomach and back don't really hurt during the meal, but an hour or so later is when the pain begins again. Any thoughts are welcome. Thanks!!    — Christine L. (posted on June 16, 2002)

June 16, 2002
I am still pre-op so i cant speak from the stand point of a WLS patient but in 97 i had my gall bladder removed laprisopicly and while the surgery itself was fairly easy yo recover from i had pain much like you are discribing for about 2 months after everytime i ate. Dotn know if this is what is wrong with you but thought i would tell you
   — Becky M.

June 17, 2002
WOW!!! Thats me!!! Ive had the same pain since my galbladder was removed. But after many many tests, it was discovered that i did have an ulcer. A really big one. You said they have done tests for ulcers, but were they able to see the bypassed portion of your stomach?
   — RebeccaP

June 17, 2002
Hi, I'm the original poster of the question. No, they haven't looked at the unused portion of my stomach yet. I asked the surgeon if it was possible to have an ulcer there, and he just said that it was unlikely. My thought, is why don't we perform a test just to make sure! Especially, since I've been suffering so much.
   — Christine L.

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