Anyone have abnornal ekg or ecg before surgery?

I had an ecg done the the other day. I am 2 weeks away from surgery, the cardiologist told me I may have had a silent heart attack at some point but she said the tests aren't 100% accurate and other tests need to be performed before I can be cleared. Has anyone else had to go through this???    — Traci A. (posted on July 19, 2002)

July 19, 2002
My surgeon does an ekg in his office prior to surgery, and all of mine (he did about 5 over the course of a couple of visits) came up abnormal. I was sent to a cardiologist to get clearance before they would do surgery. I had to have a stress test and sonogram of my heart. I was fortunate and there was nothing wrong. They seemed to think it kept coming back abnormal because of nervousness and stress about the surgery. The stress test was no big deal, just time consuming.. took about 3-4 hours. Good luck, and try not to worry. Your doctors only have your best interest in mind, and wouldnt you rather be safe than sorry? If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
   — Jennifer C.

July 19, 2002
I had abnormal ekg and was 10 mins. away from surgery when they stopped the pre-op. they sent me for a stress test and other exrays. needless to say they postponed by operation for another date. this was the second time they postponed the first was a question about insurance. finally had surgery on 2/11/02 postop 5 months and 74lbs. they did put me in ICU the first night to make sure that I was ok. good luck........god bless.........
   — Janice O.

July 20, 2002
When an EKG comes back abnormal, ask to lie back and rest for 10 minutes then do it again. If it is still abnormal, then a 24 hour holter monitor should be done to rule out if it is a rhythm problem. After that an echocardiogram, that will show if there is valular problems or muscle problems. Your ejection fraction should be over 50% for proper pump function. An exercise stress test should be the last thing done. A large person should rule out everything else before doing a stress test, as that in itself could bring on a heart attack. There is a stress test that is done with adenosine so you do not need to exerise, but unfortunately you need to be 250lbs. or less to fit into the machine.
   — Sue A.

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