
I have severe osteo arthritis in both knees and both hips. I have been on anti inflammatories for 12 years and have been told I will need all four joints replaced - eventually. I am wondering if anyone else has suffered from arthritis in a bad way and how much improvement they experienced after weight loss. I am still pre op, (for another month) and have been told to stop my Arthrotec 5 days prior to surgery. To be honest, I am afraid to stop it. I did that a couple of times before while trying to change medications and I couldn't walk at all, I ended up bed ridden. Do any post ops here take Arthrotec?    — Carla O. (posted on January 21, 2003)

January 20, 2003
I was on that for awhile becauuse of my knee.It made my GERd worse so they switched meds. I badly damaged my knee in a fall on ice. It hurt EVERY day. By evening there were nights I didnt want to go up the steps. <P> Lost the weight and it quit hurting altogether:) The most I get is a twinge, not pain but a remberance that it had been injured. My achoing hips dont ever hurt at all. It was truly a miracle.
   — bob-haller

January 20, 2003
LOTS! I had been on Cataflam twice daily for 6 years pre-op. My surgeon wanted me to stop NSAIDS 1 month pre-op, and after 10 days, I found myself in great pain and hardly able to walk at all. I had tried to switch to celebrex and vioxx with no pain relief. My surgeon allowed me to take my cataflam with a pepcid AC. This was also a major concern for me looking at the post-op period and not wanting to burn my new pouch with an NSAID, and knowing that the extra weight would not fall off as I left the recovery room! I am VERY happy to say that I only needed my anti-arthritic meds sparingly for the first two weeks post op, and took them with a pepcid AC, and then no longer needed them. VERY HAPPY! And I am no longer crippled by the arthritis. My exercise routine is limited to low impact and water aerobics, and cardio is done with a recumbent bike, but I am exercising daily, by gum. I no longer look for the parking space closest to the door, and no longer have to limit my walking because of the pain. Please share your concerns with your surgeon. My feeling is that since you have to stop 5 days pre-op, you should be OK.
   — Karen N.

January 21, 2003
As Bob says, it's a miracle. I'm only half way there (100lbs off, 100 to go)I have gone from almost needing a walker because of my knees, to doing aerobics, walking, and "bouncing" up and down stairs! It is heavenly! I will NEVER take this for granted!
   — Debby M.

January 21, 2003
I have arthritis in my knees and prior to my surgery, I was popping pills all the time. Since I've lost 150 pounds, my knees don't bother me. Yes, you'll probably hurt a lot once you get off the medication prior to surgery, but just think of what you'll feel like as the weight starts coming off.
   — dolphins94

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