MY question is this...i have lost almost 200lbs and I have the disgusting skin

hanging on my arms and stomach..I have an appt with a plastic surgeon on may 1..Due to work I would want to get my tummy tuck and my arms done at the same time...Has anyone else had the two surguries dont at once??    — tylerswife (posted on April 7, 2003)

April 7, 2003
Hi Rebecca, first off I suggest you visit the Yahoo! site for WLS patients who are either considering or have had plastic surgery: They are all very helpful there. I believe you can do the tummy and arms and the same time. However the tummy and the breasts are the challenging ones to have done at the same time. I have a consult with a 2nd plastic surgeon myself this coming Wednesday, Dr. Geoffrey Fenner of Evanston, IL. Very excited as I've heard great things about his abilities, his caring and compassion toward WLS patients, and his staff's abilities to get insurance to approve based on reconstructive issues. Best wishes to you! - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -120lbs.
   — Anna L.

April 7, 2003
Having the brachioplasty (arms) and the abdominoplasty at the same time is alot of surgery and for that reason we do not recommend the surgeries be done at the same time. You are looking at approximately 7 hours of surgery/anesthesia. I'm sure you can find someone to do them together but please beware of those who take your money and say "no problem". Try having your surgery in a university setting, they do their surgeries in a real operating room in the hospital and not in an operating room suite. If you get into trouble in an operating suite they have to call 911 to transport you to a hospital instead of treating you right there. Something to think of. In addition, there are alot of doctors who have had little training in plastic surgery who are doing abdominoplasties, facelifts, etc. so really check out your "plastic surgeon" and make sure they are board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons. Good Luck. Rebecca
   — Rebecca L.

April 7, 2003
There is another place to post your question. Go to, click on morbid obesity and support groups. They have one just for plastic surgery and I'm sure they can answer your question.
   — Cindy R.

April 7, 2003
The one concern I have heard about having these 2 surgeries done at the same time is that you need your arms for support in getting up and down (from bed, chairs, etc) after the abdominoplasty. My experience was that recovery from the arms was pretty quick; I had it done on a Tuesday and went to a meeting for a couple of hours on Friday. I was back to full hours by Monday. Everyone is different, but it was an easy surgery for me. The abdominoplasty... now that's another story! hugs, Ann rny 9/10/99 260/124
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 7, 2003
My experience was as Ann said, I used my arms ALOT after my tummy was removed. It would depend on whether he's just removing fat and skin or if you will be having work done to the muscles. Those who have only fat & skin (no muscle work done) recover quicker and with less pain. They resume normal activity very quick. If he's doing work to your abdominal muscles as I had done, you'll be using your arms to get up and down for quite a while until those stomach muscles heal. As for doubling up your surgeries. I know my surgeon doubles surgeries whenever he can safely do so. I had lipo done with my TT but had the option instead to have a thigh lift done with it. He regularly does thigh lifts or breast lifts along with his tummy tucks and does arm lifts often with breast lifts. (that one is my next goal based on my surgeons advise). I really appreciated having my surgeries doubled as then I had only one healing time to go through plus it saved some on costs. Although my surgery WAS long (over 6 hrs), my TT was very extensive. Personally I'd rather go under for longer than have to do multiple surgeries spread out over many months.
   — Shelly S.

April 7, 2003
I just did this last month and it was a piece of cake. It was much easier than the Lap RNY (but this is just my experience - everyone is different). Good Luck and congrats on the weight loss! Sincerely, Mary Beth
   — Beffy W.

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