Is there anyone out there who has a colostomy who has had wls?

My hubby is scheduled for sugery on Oct. 18, he had colon cancer 5 years ago and has a colostomy as a result. I have complete faith in our surgen, he did my wls in Dec. 2000 and I have been very pleased with the results. BTC has requested extensive info about my hubby before approving surgery. I'm just concerned and I wondered if there is any others out there?    — Lisa P. (posted on October 2, 2001)

October 2, 2001
Lisa. Wow that's a unique situation. Just in case no one answers you, you may want to go to the Q/A archives and type in colostomy in the search field to see what it brings back. (Or colon cancer). Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

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