Should I be concerned about mounting 4 flights of stairs when I return home?

Hey gang its Gwen again, I am glad to be amongst you all. I have a question. When I come home I live in a 4 story apt with no elevator. When I had surgery 2 years ago for removal of fibroids, I took each step one at a time and it wasnt so bad. But this is surgery on the stomach. And the stomach is your center of gravity and movement, will the effort of mounting stairs cause me to tear or rupture anything? I think I will poise this question to my surgery asap. He is very good at responding to email. I just wanted to throw that out there to you all if you've had similar experiences with stairs?    — Gwen M. (posted on October 7, 2001)

October 6, 2001
I found that I was dizzy first few days home so I couldnt have done it alone. I only have the one flights of stairs in my home and that was scarey alone but each tme did get easier. Good Luck!!!!!!
   — tn683

October 7, 2001
Thanks ladies for you comments. I ask got an email from a member that suggested I ask my surgeron for a binder she got one and it help greatly with given support in that area.
   — Gwen M.

October 7, 2001
There is an old wives tale that after surgery to climb the stairs backwards. My family members that have had c-sections swear by it. I had three flights to climb after my surgery. The first flight I came up forward using the rail for balance. That was sooo difficult because you really do use your stomach muscles to walk/climb. The second I followed grandma's directions and it was a lot easier. So some of the old remedies are true. Hope this helps
   — Vanessa H.

October 7, 2001
I just came home from my surgery yesterday. I had no problem climbing stairs what so ever. However I will state that the binder is a MUST!!!!
   — RebeccaP

October 7, 2001
I had NO problems on steps, although just over one flight. Just take it slow but mention this to your surgeon, he may be able to keep you in the hospital a extra day or two so it will be easier for you when you get home.
   — bob-haller

October 9, 2001
A surgeon can't keep you in the hospital a day or two longer just because you might have trouble climbing today's managed care environment, the insurers want their patients out the moment they are cleared medically....if not sooner. If you are having an open procedure four flights might be too much for you. I had an open rny and at the time I lived in a third floor apartment (no elegator). I arranged to stay with my sister for a week. I assumed the stairs would be a problem. Even a week later, I was so worn out that I had to take the stairs slowly and sit and rest several times before I got to the top. It wasn't the was my total lack of energy.
   — [Anonymous]

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