A friend of mine had an open RNY 10 days ago and today she experienced quite a bit of

blood coming from her JP drain site. She called the DR. and he was concerned but because she is 2 hours away he wanted to wait until tomorrow to see if it stops. She is very frightened. It bled through gause and her binder earlier today then she soaked another band aid later. Has anyone had this happen? I would just like to reassure her a bit.    — Lisa P. (posted on October 24, 2001)

October 24, 2001
I would say to heck with what the doctor said and go to the nearest emergency room. That's what i would do. 2 hours away or not. Sounds to me like your friend is bleeding quite a bit. I'd rather go to an emergency room and be told everything is fine than end up in the emergency room with something serious. Blood coming out of the JPdrain IS NOT a normal thing!
   — Kim B.

October 25, 2001
I had open RNY in May. He did not put a drain in me. After about a week or so I had some minor blood that came out of my incision. The next day there was A LOT more. I soaked through several gauze pad and just kept changing them. I called the doctor and he said that it was normal. The fluid builds up behind there and it finds a way to slough itself off. If her drain were still in, I suspect it would have come out that way. My guess (mind you I'm not a doctor) would be that since she already had a path created by the initial drain site ... that is how it decided to exit. Since I didn't have a drain, it made a opening in my incision and came out that way. If she is concerned, please have her call the doctor again. Mine stopped in a couple days with the majority coming out on the second day. Good luck.
   — Lindsey G.

October 25, 2001
I had the Lap procedure but had the same thing happen to an incision. It was a Hematoma (buildup of blood) that needed to release itself. It drained for a couple of days but got lighter and less each time. If it doesn't seem to be decreasing, I suggest she go to a clinic near home to be safe.
   — Angela B.

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