I just wanted to hear about people who had surgery to remove loose skin on arms

   — jaredsmom (posted on November 7, 2001)

November 7, 2001
check this site out. She has pictures from her tummy tuck, breast augmentation and skin removal under the arm.
   — [Anonymous]

January 16, 2002
I had my arms done July 10th. I was told that I didn't need to keep them wrapped in elastic bandages and I didn't. My scars are not pretty. My arms are much improved. It boosted my confidence and I know wear sleevless tops, but am looking to find something to lessen the appearance of the scars.
   — Diane N.

February 11, 2002
i had my arm surgery done May 2001 and I absolutely love it. yes, i have a long scar that goes to just below my elbow and also goes into my back- just above the bra line area (the surgeon took off that ball of fat at the back of the arm pit!) My surgeon took off over 1.5lbs of fat on each arm!!!! (he says he has done breast reductions with less amount taken off!) The scar never bothers me and I live in sleeveless tops during the summer. I have never had anyone mention the scar. Also I never had ANY pain, ever from this surgery. To top it of, for some reason that is unknown to me and my surgeon, my insurance paid for it! I say go for it- you will not regret it. But don't expect real tight, toned arms. you can see my muscle definition on the outer/top portion of my arms. It won't happen. my left arm is still slightly saggy but my right arm looks great. either way I love my arms now and i dont care who sees my scars. i consider them my badge of honor!
   — Pat F.

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