What is this hard baseball sized ball near my incision

I am months post and have never experienced anything like this. Over the last week I have developed this huge hard ball on one side of my incision and I would like to know if anyone has ever had this and what it is.    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 15, 2001)

December 15, 2001
I haven't had one myself, but it could very well be a hernia. It would be more likely to be in the incisoin itself. I would call your doctor and have it checked by them. That's the most likely cause I can think of. If it isn't near the incision, however, I can't imagine. Please call your doctor and let him/her take a look at it.
   — [Anonymous]

December 15, 2001
It's a hernia. I have one, too, and it's exactly like that. Also, mine did not develop until the 4th month. I thought I was in the "safe zone" but I guess not.
   — Terissa R.

December 15, 2001
I agree with all the posters before.. Get your surgeon to check it out it's most likely a hernia...
   — Victoria B.

December 16, 2001
I too had a hard lump right next to my incision. I thought that it must be a hernia and went to my surgeon to have it checked out. The surgeon told me it only scar tissue. Best to have it checked out.
   — Paulette W.

December 17, 2001
It may be a hernia. That's what I thought mine was but mine ended up at 3 months post-op, being an enfection in the incision. It has been my only side effect other than a little hair loss but mine was like a cyst, it ended up seeping and is very painful actually but I am dealing with it. I have had 5 now over the last 2 months and just went to the doctor to have it checked again today. If it turns out to be a cyst make sure you see your doctor for proper care of it, you have to keep it cleaned out and as sterile as possible and covered. The seeping can be inconvenient and it scared me at first when I didn't know what it was but now that I know we are treating it and I am doing ok. Good luck.
   — Monica F.

December 17, 2001
I have the exact same lump on the left side at the very top of my incision. I saw the surgeon about a month ago and he said he thought it might have been a cyst but it wasn't and he thinks its just scar tissue. I have another appt. in three weeks so I'll let him look at it again. I too thought it might be a hernia. I've never had one but for some reason it just doesn't feel like one. Scar tissue seems more likely.
   — Sheila R.

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