I noticed that the question was taken off the board which someone asked if

anyone knew what happened during surgery that this girl recently died during WLS surgery. Why was it taken off the board?    — Judy W. (posted on December 23, 2001)

December 22, 2001
I saw that too and was told its more of a question for the message board.Its a good support question and fits better with the message board. The original poster was anymous, or they would of been notified to put it on the message board.
   — bob-haller

December 23, 2001
no i did not take it off the board i was wanting to know the same thing i ask but no ans. so i did not know bob that it was more of a message thay a question how do you get that bob?? we anyway i just want you guys to know i did not take it off thanks so much i am glad someone else saw that it is no longer on the question board
   — [Anonymous]

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