Do sore backsides eventually improve?

Wow do I hurt if I dont sit on a cushion at all times. How long till this improves? I want to go to Disney, but really dont want to drag a cushion thru the whole park. I can feel every bone....    — bob-haller (posted on January 2, 2002)

January 1, 2002
I wish I had the answer to this Bob. I'm having the same problem.
   — Jackie P.

January 2, 2002
All of a sudden you can count every little bone in your coccyx! Mine was uncomfortable from about 6 months to about 12 months. Now at 19 months, it only bugs me if I lay down on the floor to do situps, a situation I now avoid like the plague <g>! -Kate-
   — kateseidel

January 2, 2002
I, too, had this problem after surgery. At 8 months it is much better. I think it started to improve at about 6 months. At times it would be nearly unbearable to sit in the car (which is cushioned!). I don't notice any problem with it now. Maybe I just learned to sit differently . . .
   — ctyst

January 2, 2002
One of the best ways to fix this problem is to increase the musculature of your derriere. Your fitness advisor at the gym can help you figure out how. Also, sometimes as we lose lots of weight our spines get all funky. A chiropractic adjustment or two can work wonders on easing the pressure on various parts of the body.
   — Julia M.

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