Pregnancy - Should I have a tummy tuck or panni before or after pregnacy?

After waiting the required time to get pregnant - should I wait and have the tummy tuck or panni after pregnancy? Or can you do it before? What if you plan to have more than one child? Thanks!    — Crystal M. (posted on February 7, 2002)

February 7, 2002
wait. bariatric patients stand a good chance of having the excess skin "reallocate" (for lack of a better term) itself, and in-office revisions may be necessary. pregnancy will stretch your belly, so it's best to wait.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 7, 2002
I am glad that you asked this, as it is something that I need to consider as well. Here is what I used to make my decision, for when the time comes: My surgeon told me that I would want the panni before becoming pregnant again (I have a nearly two year old son). One of the women in my support group is the wife of a plastic surgeon and a nurse. She told me that I should get the panni before the next pregnancy and then plan on a tummy tuck after babies. So, that is my plan. Panni when it is time and tummy tuck after future babies!
   — Kierstin C.

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