Can vitamins cause heart palputaions?

I have always had small heart palputations because of my weight but since I am now preparing for surgery my surgeon has told me to start taking certain vitamins and on my own I started MORE (thinking that if what he ordered is good, then MORE is even better..stupid I know). For about the last week I have been having severe heart palputations and I spoke to my PCP's nurse and she told me that it could be the vitamins or anxiety..she didnt sound like she knew which. Anyways, have any of you experienced rapid heart beats from vitamins?    — mastrnservnt (posted on February 10, 2002)

February 10, 2002
Excessive intake of certain types of vitamins can definitely cause the problems you are experiencing. If the problem is severe then you need to go to the ER and have some labwork checked, otherwise, go to your PCP tomorrow and explain the problem to him/her. Needless to say, don't take anymore vitamins until you go to the doctor.
   — Theresa A

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