could my constipation be fom a high protien diet?

I am near the end of my weight loss journey and pounds are comming off slow now. so I have to work at it. Ok my question... I eat the high protien bars, I also drink high protien ensure it is helping the weight come off but I am getting really constipated and I mean bad. has anyone had this problem or am I like the only person going through this? I had to see my dr. about it and I had to use an enema then drink a bottle of magnesium citrate that didn't work so on top of that I took correctol that worked and I did go BM the next day but nothing since if i don't get back on track a colonoscopy is next. I am also having blood work drawn just in case.    — Kristine R. (posted on February 26, 2002)

February 26, 2002
I am struggling trying to get my protein in (6 wks PO), and I'm constipated. So, I don't think it's the protein.
   — Goldilauxx B.

February 26, 2002
In my opinion, it's definitely the high-protein diet that causes the constipation. If it ever gets really bad, I just eat some sugar. Not enough so that I dump bad; just enough to loosen me up. It will cause diarrhea in a matter of hours, cleaning me right out.
   — Terissa R.

February 26, 2002
Different things can cause constipation. Not enough water, iron supplements, very high protien. I am 13 mos out and have never had a problem with constipation until now. But I think its related to my starting iron supplements. Something that helps though is a herbal tea called Smooth Moves. Good luck :)
   — Eva C.

February 26, 2002
It most likely is the protein, and the fact that you had a RNY. Constipation is very common with RNY patients. Why don't you start adding more high fiber foods and back off the excessive protein for now. I can guarantee you that 2 or 3 dried prunes will work wonders--so will prune juice. A serving a day keeps the doctor away--GUARANTEED.
   — artistmama

February 26, 2002
All that milk in the Ensure might be part of the problem. When my kids were little, they had me give them milk, cheese, cottage cheese to stop up the flow if they had diarrhea. Unless you are eating bars that are really high in protein (like 35g), you're not getting much protein from Ensure, just lots of sugar. Are you getting plenty of water? Are you allowed fruits & veggies yet? Water & fiber, boring as that sounds, MIGHT help. Of course, you're already following the wisest course, which is to ask us while you wait for your doc whom you have already asked!
   — vitalady

February 26, 2002
I'm almost 3 months out, and I have been constipated almost from the beginning. In my case, I think it's from the iron in my vitamin, as the only other time in my life I had this problem was when I took iron supplements for anemia due to blood loss during child birth. Pre-surgery, I was always a big protein eater, and ate little fiber, and was always "regular". Various foods don't seem to help me. The only thing that works for me is taking 2 Fibercon pills every other night. I keep these on my night stand, so I don't forget. A lot of others use sugar-free citracel. Ask you doctor if you can give these products a try before a colonoscopy is done.
   — Cyndie K.

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