Has anyone had numbness in their thighs after surgery?

I had an epidural during and after my surgery for pain control. I had to have it removed the day after surgery because I was itching so bad...the Dr. said that it was not an allergic reaction, it was just a side effect of the medicine, some itch more than others. Anyway, ever since the surgery I have had numbness and burning pains in the front of my thighs, both sides. The Dr. doesn't seem concerned, he just says to wait and see how it is at my 2 week post-op appointment. Has anyone else had this????    — Brenda V. (posted on April 2, 2002)

April 2, 2002
I had the same thing after my open gallbladder surgery 11/99 and then again after my open bypass surgery 10/00. The numbness and burning pains did go away after awhile. I forget how long it took, probably three weeks or so. I did not have this problem after my hernia repair/panniculectomy 12/01 so I'm wondering if it had something to do with my weight?
   — Helen C.

April 2, 2002
I did not have an epidural, but my thighs got numb about 1 day after surgery. The burning sensation was almost unbearable for the first 3-4 weeks, but has now subsided. I now have partial feeling in my right thigh, but my left is still completely numb. I do have a bad back so I think being on my back during surgery and post op may have contributed to it. I am now almost 4 months post op and am still numb...I am hoping that some day it comes back.
   — Terri H.

April 2, 2002
Its from being strapped down during surgery. Its really tight so we cant move and cause trroubles.This does minor nerve damage. Mine was in my back side and went away completely in about a month. Dont worry your normal.
   — bob-haller

April 2, 2002
In 1989 I had an epidural with the c-section birth of my youngest child. I have had intermittent numbness and tingly-burning ever since in the right thigh area! It became more pronounced if I slept on my back, until I had RNY. Then, after a 75 pound weight loss in 10 weeks, I noticed I could sleep on my back and not get the tingling feeling. My PCP says nerves were adversely affected in the area of the epidural and were compressed again by my excess weight when I laid on the area! So, it should ease up on you as you lose weight also. God Bless you and Good Luck!
   — donnalawbabe

April 2, 2002
I had the open rny and my surgeon said the pressure of the clamps that hold you open can cause some nerve pressure. I dealt with the numbness for about 7 - 8 months, then it went away and never came back.
   — vt_rita

April 2, 2002
Thanks for your answers, it feels better to know that I am not alone.
   — Brenda V.

April 2, 2002
after i had my daughter my legs were still numb for about 3 weeks and it also felt like someone punched me in the back. i also had epidural. i think this is somewhat common . oh and i also had the itching thing going on hope this makes you feel a litte better .
   — Tina K.

April 4, 2002
After having had a back surgery and gall bladder removal a year before the lap RNY, I was already suffering from a numb/tingly/painful/burning left thigh. After the lap, it hurt worse for almost a month, and now has subsided but is still there. Its nerve damage and I am hoping that as I lose weight, dare I hope it goes aways??
   — Cindy R.

July 25, 2002
I still have numbness in my outer left thigh (just above my knee). I had my surgery a little over 8 months ago. I think some of the feeling is coming back, but definitely not all of it. My surgeon said it is not uncommon and that it goes away with time. He said to wait and see how it is one year out. Keep your fingers crossed for me and I will do the same for you!
   — Ali W.

September 2, 2002
I have numbness in my outer right thigh. it was actually there pre-op and got much worse after surgery. After reading the answers on this page, I really hope it goes away as people say it will. I also have numbness in my left heel. No idea why, however. The only thing I can think of is just that I had my heel pressed up on the OR table too long... my surgery took 6 hours.
   — sammygirlwpc

September 2, 2002
I too have numbness in the front of my left thigh. I always thought is was completely unrelated to surgery, though. I thought that maybe it was that my weight put pressure on a nerve or something.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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