Which antibiotic do they perscribe for h pylori?

   — Linda M. (posted on April 16, 2002)

April 16, 2002
its called prevpac, it comes in a box and all of the pills are individually packaged, morning and night doses are marked, its alot of pills to swallow, and i had a strong metallic taste in my mouth for the first few days, you will get through it!! becky
   — rebecca N.

April 16, 2002
As the first poster said you will get through it. Well I found that it went right through me !!! ;-) Good luck
   — Robert L.

April 16, 2002
The 1st time I was diagnosised I was given the Prevpac. After 3 days I called my doctor because I thought I was dying. I had never felt so bad in my life but I finished it. I tested positive again last month and after speaking with my PCP and telling her there was no way I could do that again she gave me 40mg Prilosec,2000mg Amoxicillan, and 1000mg Biaxin a day for 14 days. I was able to tolerate this much better and it didn't start making me nauseated until the 10th day.
   — Traci B.

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