Have any of you had a Vitamin D deficiency? What are the signs?

I am to have WLS this Friday!! I went for a final check with my endocrinologist last week and recieved a blod work report today telling me I have a Vitamin D deficiency and it will have to be carefully monitored after surgery. Are any of you familiar with this? I know we get D from sunshine, so I was really surprised. Does anybody know what the symptoms are from this type of deficiency? Thanks!!!!    — Linda M. (posted on May 13, 2002)

May 13, 2002
I'm not deficient, but it is an element we malabsorb. A, D & E are fat soluble vites and we malabsorb fats & oils to a degree. You might want to hunt down some dry form Vitamin D (D3) capsules and get those going. The resulting disease is RICKETS. Bad scene. And of course, if the D levels are low, the calcium can't get into the bones, either. Worse scene. So, gotta get the D levels up and keep them up. 15 minutes of sunlight is a help, but the D supplements will be working from the inside.
   — vitalady

May 13, 2002
I had an Open BPD/DS on 4-11-01. My surgeon requires us to take ADEK's for life. They are chewable and many Cystic Fibrosis patients take them due to malabsorbtion issues. You may want to ask your Dr. if this is acceptable.(it may not be due to taking vit. D,E,K which may be unnecessary for you). They are by Scandipharm and I have gotten them from Rite Aid, Cosco(cheapest)and even Eckhard Drugs. They usually come 60 in a bottle, sort of orange flavor. Tolerable. I take 1 3x per day, maybe for you 1x per day would be sufficient. Anyway, I would speak with your Dr. before taking anything. Best of luck
   — Linda M.

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