Are there any suggestions on how to avoid the need for plastic surgery?

Does anyone have suggestions on how to keep your skin elastic enough to avoid the loose folds of skin that occur with drastic weight loss?    — loretta S. (posted on July 1, 2002)

June 30, 2002
Unfortunately there is nothing you can really do about excess skin. It will shrink back a LITTLE but not to where , or even close to where you would want it to be. Most, but not all post ops have the excess skin removed after most or all of the weight is lost.
   — Kim B.

July 1, 2002
hi. I agree with the previous poster on that one, and I'm sure many people will. I have HEARD that drinking water helps, but that may just be a myth. Elasticity can all do with age, how long you have been obese and heredity, so you will not find out until you lose the weight unfortunately. But, some 50 year olds have barely any excess skin, some 20 years olds have alot, so you never know! Exercising in the meantime will tone your muscles and help some though! Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

July 1, 2002
I have to say, I disagree with the last posting. I too work out everyday, 4-5 times a week. Do the whole 9 yards, but will still need P/S. It just depends on your body. Good Luck!
   — hklang70

July 1, 2002
It can also depend on how well your weight was distributed. While I am 360+ pounds, I am over 6 feet tall and carry my weight distributed around my body. I don't think (God I'm hoping I'm right lol) that I'll have too much trouble with bat wings or thigh flaps as I don't have a huge problem there. The only place I am SURE I will need PS is the TT. I already have a heavy draping panni (from two c-sections in 15 months) they considered lifting during WLS, but we're leaving it alone until later.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 1, 2002
Hmmm... I had the very same question. I work out, and it really seems to help a great deal, but I still have wibbly thighs (on the inside) and wings... but maybe it just takes time. I am only a bit over six months out (started at 350) and am almost down to 200 lbs. I have fourty to fifty more lbs to goal, and my "flap" is getting smaller every day. Maybe it just depends on each person, just like the weight loss....
   — Sharon M. B.

July 7, 2002
Unfortunately, if there are already stretch marks, the skin will not snap back very well. Best bet is to excercise and get really toned-up muscles. If skin is hanging, and you want to do so, a TT may be in order. Of maybe a full body lift that does but, gut, legs, etc... For me, I know I'm having a TT as soon as I lose my excess weight. My stomach skin was stretched long ago (22 years) when I gained 90+ pounds in less than a year, just after my daughter was born. Diane N
   — DianeN

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