Its my one year anniversary, do others find its a emotional time?

July 23rd is my one year anniversary. Last year at this time I was contemplating my death, writing goodbye letters and final instructions, while running to the bathroom, from day one of 2 day bowell prep:( I remember eating a final gooey chocolate chip cookie. Figured that was the last thing I would ever eat and enjoy. I was CERTAIN I would die in surgery!!!<P> Now looking back at this has made me very emotional. I was raised men dont cry but am crying as I type this. Tears of joy for surviving and doing well. Have others been affected this way? Part of my joy is watching my wife Jen get her life back. Without my getting surgery first Jen wouldnt of done it too. I am sorry this is hard to explain but very real.... Are WLS anniversaries emotional times for others?    — bob-haller (posted on July 21, 2002)

July 21, 2002
I must be weird. I was happy but not emotional.
   — Danmark

July 21, 2002
Hi Bob, I know exactly how you feel. When my one year anniversary came up, I actually got sick to my stomach remembering the day of my surgery. In my heart that day I just knew I was going to die. I had never told anyone what I weighed. That morning I told my husband, "I need to tell you my weight so if I don't make it, you'll know why I took the chance to have this surgery". Well I made through surgery fine. I made it to a year and a half fine. I have a new life and still get tears in my eyes thinking about it. You get as emotional as you want Bob, you deserve it. We all deserve it and need to realize how far we've come and how lucky we are to have taken this journey. The day you will have your one year I will be having another surgery to remove my gallbladder so I won't be able to congratulate you on your new birthday. So happy birthday Bob and smile through your tears and we'll all smile with you!!
   — Janie C.

July 21, 2002
hi bob im not 1 year out yet i had open rny on feb 8 02 but i just know i will be emotional i think its completely normal to be that way youve been through a major thing and came through it and youve gotten you back thats incredible!! i was just in the mirror amazed at the new me that is emerging and i was in tears so i can only imagine what it will be like on feb 8 03 oh and bob happy one year anniversary!!!!!:)
   — carrie M.

July 21, 2002
Yes. Every year. It was such a life saving thing for me. Oct 5, 1994. And then a few days later, I go thru it all again for my husband's. Oct 24, 1995.
   — vitalady

July 21, 2002
Haven't had my date yet - 9/16/02 is my surgery - but I AM emotional when I think of how great you look and sound as well as all the others on this site. I'm proud to be one of ya'll. Happy day, Bob, may you and Jen be blessed with many, many happy days!!! Nelly
   — Nell C.

July 22, 2002
Bob, you are not alone in the emotional department! I, too, have had an emotional week(my anniversary was 7/19). When the dr told me I was doing great, I didn't know how I was going to make it to my car before I started to cry with joy!! I just smiled really big, lol. Part of my emotions come from the insecurity syndrome of mine...ok, now I have lost weight...CAN I KEEP IT OFF????? I am having a hard time accepting the fact that the surgery will help me keep it off. Best of luck to you Bob.
   — deb_wls2001

July 22, 2002
I had my one year anniversary on 6/29/02 and it was a very emotional time for me. I took a day and just reflected back on all that had happened during that year. I remember the anticipation the months before the surgery, all the fears and worries I had. I never thought about not making it through the surgery, but did worry about healing properly. I am (or was!!) an insullin dependent diabetic and sometimes diabetics do not heal real well. That fear did come true!!! I had the open rny and developed an infection in my incision that required a lot of extra care. I got over that!!!! I then worried about being successful at the required diet. It is not easy!! But, I have been really good at staying on my prescribed diet and have lost 105 lbs. I am extremely proud of myself and my accomplishments with this procedure. The only problem I have now is convincing myself to exercise!!!! Oh, how I hate that word!!! But I do it. I am off all of my meds for diabetes and high blood pressure. I feel soooooo much better too. If I was asked if I would do it again, the answer would be YES, YES YES AND YES!!!!!!! Congratulations to you, Bob, for being so successful too!!!

July 22, 2002
Bob, I too am looking at that 1 year mark, (mine is in 6 weeks), and believe me, and I too find it to be very emotional. And there is nothing wrong with men having & sharing their feelings, feelings are very real, and the world needs more honesty in it! From the day my PCP suggested the surgery to help loose weight and get off of the diabetes medication that was helping to put on the weight, I've been having lots of emotional times and have just about experienced every emotion possible. I've kept not only a written journal, but an art journal too----it is amazing to see just how much things do change and how it can be reflected in choice of colors, design & shapes. I don't update them as often now, I don't feel that I have as many times where there has been an event to trigger an emotional up or down, like there was when deciding to have the surgery, waiting for the surgery, or during the first few months of post-op recovery. I like to think of this WLS process as giving birth and raising a child----you have some time to adjust and think about life before the birth, you have the birth/surgery, your life is forever changed, and that first year of being a parent is filled with sooo many changes & emotions too! The first year of my son's life, I recorded everything in his baby book, and each year since there has been less and less to write. I think that WLS will be very similar, each year, I will look back on the anniversary and see what I did that I couldn't have done before the surgery and to see just what life had in store for me that I never imagined. Like, one year ago, I'd never imagine that I'd be coaching my son's JV soccer team, knowing that I could share a chocolate chip cookie or trip to the ice cream stand with him and without guilt---that I expected!
   — Sue F.

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