How much protein is too much?

I have read some people are getting in 100+ grams a day. When does this become counter productive and start putting a major strain on kidneys and other organs? Shouldn't grams of protein be based on body weight?    — crishsapig (posted on August 19, 2002)

August 19, 2002
I was told by the nutitionist that if you cut your weight in half, that is the amount of protein grams you can eat. And if you achieve half of that you are doing great.
   — Sue A.

August 19, 2002
Not precisely. Your goal is to NET a certain number of protein grams, based on some general guides, gender, activitiy level, size..... BUT for people with DS or RNY, you have to factor in the degree of malabsorption and ingest that much more to net the correct number of g per day. I do not pursue protein foods (but I do eat some), because they are more work for the organs, but I do the protein supps, which are much easier for those organs to process.
   — vitalady

August 19, 2002
You also need to drink a lot of fluid so your body will flush out wastes.
   — Marti R.

August 19, 2002
I was told by my nutritionist (who specializes in WLS patients) that my goal would be 65 g per day. THis is based on the amount of protein that your body can absorb. I was told that your body cant absorb more that 100 g a day, but that it is not necessary to have that much protein in one day. Also, I was told not to eat 'meals' with more than 25 g of protein because your body can not absorb any more than that at one time. Sounds like everyone has slightly different advice, perhaps you should speak with a nutritionist. Good luck to you.

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