Is this Pancreatitis or something else?

I'm so furstrated, I have had this pain in my lower left bacl for about 2 months now. At first I thought I was a kidney infection and I went to a "Doc in a Box" and they gave me some antibiotics, I did improve for about a week and then it returned. I went to my Dr. and she did a pelvic exam ,a rectal exam and a urine culture and they were all fine. She then sent me for a pelvic ultrasound (She thinks this is a female problem, I do not) which was also Ok. So now she is sending me to an ObGYN? I called today to tell her I am feeling worse, the pain is more in the back below the kidney area than near the overies. Today I was nausious, achy, and running a low grade fever and I have extreme fatigue. When I called today I suggested bloodwork which I just had done in April and she told me to wait and see the obgyn. This pain is not my imagination but it is not always severe. It is always there and about a 3 to a 5 on a scale of 10. The fatigue is becoming more severe. She told me if I got worse to go back to the "Doc in the Box or the ER." I am about 20 months post op and I have my gall bladder. Does anyone have any suggestions?    — Lisa P. (posted on September 3, 2002)

September 3, 2002
Lisa, I don't know what you have but wanted to let you know what my pancreatitis feels like. It is in the center of my chest, near the bottom of my breast bone, in both front and in my back. It feels kind of like heartburn - that won't go away. I was told by my doctor that it would go away on its own in a couple of weeks and that there really isn't anything to take for it. I suggest you go to a different doctor and get a second opinion. Best of luck to you.
   — Stephanie S.

September 4, 2002
Could you be experiencing Kidney Stones????
   — Sissy I.

September 4, 2002
Lisa, If it's on your right side it could be your gall bladder (if you still have it) or it could be a kidney stone forming especially if you have not been getting all of your water in. Hope this helps, Pam
   — Pamela P.

September 5, 2002
I had my gallbladder out at 5 weeks post-op and my pain was definitely not in the "normal" place. I had low back and low abdominal pain that would get worse after a meal. It could very well be your gallbladder. Try to get your blood tested for enzyme levels. If your lipase or amylase is elevated, then it's definitely your gallbladder or pancreatitis. Good luck!!
   — Christine L.

September 16, 2002
just for the record I still have no idea what's going on. I do think the week of fever and nausea was the flu, but the pain in my lower back/side is about the same. I went to the OBGyn who said he didn't think this was a gyn problem (neither do I). He did request blood work and my lymphocytes are low. My GP is supposed to follow up with me, which she hasn't done yet. I went to BTC on Fri. and they really didn't know either. The Dr. there wants to order a CAT scan, but no one seems to know how to go about doing that. Do I find a new Dr. and start all over?
   — Lisa P.

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