My fibromyalga is back!

Before the surgery I had a lot of burning in my shoulders and neck from fibromyalga. Actualy everything was sore but the shoulders and neck were the worst. The last year it went away and I had no muscle pain at all. Now it's back! This has been going on for about a month. Has anyone else been fibromyalga free for a long time only to have it come back? Will it clear up again? Any info will be much appreciated. Open RNY,distal,transected. 21 months out and down 181 pounds. Started at 362 and now am at 181...exactly what I've lost!    — Deb H. (posted on October 8, 2002)

October 8, 2002
Hi Deb, I too have fms, and unfortunatly, there is no cure, it is there to stay. The flair ups come and go. But, there is a great site, with great info to help you cope, and have a much better quality of life, it is an has lots of good info and good links. Find out all you can and live your life to its fullest. God bless on your journey, Laury
   — laury

October 8, 2002
Deb, Don't give up hope. I have a close friend with fibromyalgia and is doing wonderful on a combination of natural supplements. She used to take a handful of meds a day but not anymore. She has noticed much more energy and much less pain. Her story brings tears to my eyes. If you want more info please email me at: [email protected] I will get you connected with her through phone or email.
   — Patti S.

October 10, 2002
First, I'm sorry to hear that it has come back! Second, have you taken a look at what happened in the month before it came back? Remember, that fms crashes are usually triggered by a physical or emotional event that can seem minor, like a fall or a scene with your significant other or minor tap on the car. While it doesn't make the attack go away, it can help you see what triggers are there. Next, it is probably a good time to go visit your rheumatologist; she might have some new info or maybe just some insight. Remember that massage therapy and accupuncture can really help. Another thing to look at is your exercise. Did you stop or slow down your exercise program; that can trigger attacks. Finally, I view attacks as my alarm to back off, slow down, and take care of me first. Good luck!
   — Katherine M.

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