Throat too narrow for the tube?

I recently had foot surgery and the anesthesiologist decided to do a spinal because of my weight and he said my throat was very narrow and he would have to put in the tube while i was awake. I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem and what was the end result.    — Jan V. (posted on October 15, 2002)

October 15, 2002
Yes, I had to be intubated while I was awake. The anethesiologist said I probably wouldn't remember it and I don't. First I had to suck this nasty stuff to numb my throat, then they gave me something...I recall him saying here comes your margarita and the next thing I knew they were saying Lisa your surgery is over. I think some do remember it, but I don't.
   — Lisa N M.

October 15, 2002
I too was told that I had a little mouth and a little airway ( go figure after being told I have a big mouth by my family over so many years LOL). I had my surgery a week ago today and I don't remember the intubation at all. Best of luck to you on your way to the other side.
   — Laurie F.

October 15, 2002
I have been told that my airway is small (I have a lot of scarring on the inside of my airway). The anetheseolist (sp?) uses a child size tube and he said I may have to be awake when he inserts the tube. I have had surgery twice like this and don't remember him inserting the tube either time.
   — dianehanson

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