Does being on antidepressants cause problems qualifying for Lap suregery?

Hello everyone :o) I am currently on Wellbutrin and Celexa for depressions. I'm also taking Ritalin. I have been on these meds for several years and I'm wondering if that will cause any problems with the Dr. or the insurance company accepting me? Would love any help you may have. Thanks!    — meltedbuttr (posted on October 21, 2002)

October 21, 2002
Not at all, depression in MOs is common, according to the psycologist who approves all of us. MY depression went away after surgery. Although sadly not everyone is that fortunate.
   — bob-haller

October 21, 2002
I was on celexa for depression when I had my consult with the surgeon, and I was approved for surgery in three days thru blue cross. I am still on the celexa and am now two weeks post-op. Good Luck!
   — kelly M.

October 21, 2002
I was on lots of medications pre-op, including medication for anxiety and depresssion, and insomnia. I didn't have any problems due to the fact that I was TAKING them. The problem I *did* have, even though I gave the surgeon a list of all of my medications, was getting the hospital to put me back on them while in the hosptial. It took 3 days to get it all straight so make sure they have all of your meds ready! (They aren't allowed to use the ones you have, they have to come from the hosptial itself). I thought I might be able to lower the doses of my antidepressants and anxiety meds, and eventually get off them completely post op, but I had a bad experience trying to lower the doses, and lost my job so I ended up back on the same dose. I will not complain though, I feel great and have gone off of some of the asthma meds. (I had lap RNY 5/21/02 -74 lbs.)
   — sheltie

October 21, 2002
hi not at all i have been on serzone for depression for 5 yrs and ativan for anxitey i had no problem getting approved by the state of IL. good luck to you
   — Diane A.

October 21, 2002
I also took and take Wellbutrin, Prozac and Adderol (like Ritalin) My doc didn't give them a second look. Fortunately, I was out of hospital in 36hrs, so I didn't have to "deal" with them in there like the previous poster....Good luck and don't worry.
   — Debby M.

October 22, 2002
I am taking Prozac and the surgeon is aware as well as a klonopin. Those were the the only two meds he said we would really have to work on getting off of...he said we would be saying goodbye to diabetic agent glucophage hypertensive agents calan and vasotec and arthritic agents mobic and mepergan fortis. Hang In there. Sometimes Depression is considering a comorbidity in decision for the surgery. The best advice is to talk to surgeon because any medication can react with another at any time and its better to be safe than sorry especially if you are taking a tricyclic antidepressant, they react with a number of things and it could put you in peril. Always tell your surgeon what you are taking. Georgina/NC
   — Georgina F.

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