Watching Intake

I am 4 1/2 months post op. I started at 283 and I am down to 209-211 depending on the time of day. I know that I am setting myself up to get a lot of responses both negitive and good. I wanted to know if any fellow post ops really watch for all the nutrional value on the label. I find it hard to do. Am I destine for failure at this because I dont watch for sugar, carbs, fat. I eat meats for protien. I eat as I would normally do, But not as much. I dont dump on sugar. My protien daily is about 50-60 grams. I still find it hard to get 64 oz of water of fluids. Thats probally at 55 oz. My first set of labs Dr. said every thing was fine. Am I being hard on myself or do I have a justifiable reason? Thanks for your input.    — Quiwana B. (posted on November 16, 2002)

November 16, 2002
It sounds to me like you are doing great! Keep up the good work.
   — Diana M.

November 16, 2002
All I can say is Beware the Two Year Wall. That's when any bad habits or poor nutrition catches up with you. You may or may not suffer any consequnces with wt loss. But it's risky. You might want to pop onto the Grad list and see where people are at 2-3-4 yrs, which habits made them successful, which habits caused a big fall. People are willing to share the good, the bad & the ugly so others can learn and not fall into the same holes. Here's the link:
   — vitalady

November 16, 2002
Quiwana--I am just over 5 months out and I can relate to what you are saying---but yes, I do read the labels and I try to make the best choices. My advice would be to remember what weight you started out at and how happy you are to be away from that number! I started at 294.5 and am down to 221 since 6/4/02. I feel much much better as my back is not constantly in pain and also to know that I'm closer to the 100's than I am the 300's!!!! I have tried a few things such as a donut---it really wasn't that good a feeling after I ate but I'm in control of my eating now--it doesn't control me. I'm focused on all the new clothes I wanna get and hopefully look good in. I think you may be being a bit hard on yourself---watch the thin people--every once in a while they DO indulge..just not daily like most of us used to!!!! Good luck & God Bless. :o)
   — Bambi C.

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