Tags and apnea

Do skin tags and apnea have anything to do with each other?    — Tanya H. (posted on December 10, 2002)

December 10, 2002
   — Kris T.

December 10, 2002
Someone mentioned that they did, in a previous question. I have never heard of them being related though. When I had mine taken off, the derm guy said that they were really common in the obese. Sleep apnea is also very common in the obese. I just don't see how one relates to the other though.
   — Cheri M.

December 10, 2002
Hi there, Tanya! I don't think they have anything to do with each other, because while I do have a bunch of skin tags, I have never been diagnosed with sleep apnea. Vi
   — Vi F.

December 11, 2002
Hi Tanya, There is absolutely no correlation between skin tags and sleep apnea. I have sleep apnea and no skin tags. Skin tags is a dermological and I don't think that anyone truly knows what causes them. I have a friend that is not overweight and she is covered in skin tags. She acquired them later in life.
   — Kathy C.

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