Is everybody's hair supposed to fall out? I am 5 months post op and I have

not lost my hair, just a few strands but nothing like I've heard people have lost. I can't hardly tell I've lost much hair at all. Is that a good sign or is that a sign I'm eating too much protein? Is there anybody else who's hair has not fallen out? Thanks.    — Judy W. (posted on December 18, 2002)

December 18, 2002
I am pre op but this is a hot topic at support group. According to statistics only 1 in 5 people experience hair loss. I think we hear about it all the time because for those it does happen to (oh please not me!!) it is very upsetting. I have spoken with many people who have not lost their hair at all and others who have say it all grows back.
   — Carol S.

December 18, 2002
The hair loss is typically from the way your body handles the stress of the surgery. Some handle it better than others. I had surgery for something and I lost a little bit of hair. When I had WLs and hernia repair I never lost any! You never can tell. Also, our body dsn't store protein so making sure you get enough will help. I wouldn't worry about something that may or may not happen. Best wishes and continued success
   — Linda M.

December 18, 2002
Im 5 months out ant losing my hair.. but you cant really tell by looking at me. Ive always had alot of hair and about a month ago, I started noticing that the amount in the drain of the shower and in my hair brush is alot more. I would say its easily 3 times the amount I used to lose naturally pre-op. When I grab my hair to make a pony tail, there is definately less hair left - but its not like I have bald spots or anything. Ive heard this is predominant of the 5th-7th month... so I know its not long term. I did notice that the hair that falls out is scattered all over my head and it just not growing at all. (I color my hair and get 'roots' so Ive been checking the hairs that fall out - and they dont have my natural color on the end at all).
   — Valerie H.

December 18, 2002
Personally, I think it is the unique combination of "surgery shock" and fast, massive weight loss. I have lost large amounts of weight before and never lost hair as a result. And, I had 10 surgeries prior to WLS, loosing no hair afterwards.<BR><BR>But THIS TIME, with WLS and my recent weight loss (85# in just less than 6 months)I have been experiencing considerable hair loss. It began at about 4.5 months and is beginning to taper off, thank goodness.<BR><BR> It would be interesting to hear from those WLSers who have gone on to have plastic surgery. Was there more hair loss following the PS?
   — [Deactivated Member]

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