Can't stop itching

Hi all, had my surgery on 12-5-02 and down 31 pounds as of this morning. But i can't stop itching for anything, i know i am not drinking enough water, and i just started taking a advantEDGE bar for more protein once a day. I can eat pretty much anything i want, in moderation of course. My biggest problem has been eating meat. Being a major meat eater before surgery, some of the meats don't go down as well. Doesn't matter how long i chew. My other problem is not drinking during meal time, i was use to drinking a 32 oz tumbler of ice tea with practically every meal. But getting better every day, and went back to work a week early, figured i can sit there and do nothing as well as home.    — keller W. (posted on December 30, 2002)

December 30, 2002
Try fish oil capsules from Wlmart or GNC. You'll notice a difference in two weeks. I've known this to work for several WLS patients.
   — Linda M.

December 30, 2002
is the fish oil pills for itching or the protien?
   — TheresaC

December 30, 2002
I itched like crazy for weeks (even months) after my open RNY, especially around the incision. Not the incision itself, but the area on either side of it. My doctor said it was normal and I would have to live with it. He wouldn't let me put anything on it for weeks and weeks because of the danger of infection. Even now, 13 months post-op, it itches sometimes but not as bad or as often. It will get better but if you are concerned, talk with your surgeon.
   — Patty_Butler

December 31, 2002
Hi - I had open RNY on the 4th of Dec and have a very itchy tummy. In fact the skin is peeling like after a sunburn. I called my doctor and they said I could use a topical spray on the area around the incision but not on the wound itself. I have Benadryl in a spray (sorry can't give exact wording, my son torn the label off) and then cover the incision and spray on one side and then move and spray the other side. Watch out, it is cold going on! This seems to help the itching. I also use mositurizer on these areas too.
   — jocelyn

December 31, 2002
I itch also. But it is normal for the winters here in Pa and the heat we withstand. Moisturizers will help.
   — crazybadbug

December 31, 2002
I had Open RNY 11/11/02. I noticed in the hospital my face was extremely itchy. I was told it could have been a mild reaction to the morphine. Who knows? But I noticed when I was home and able to move without wanting to die my legs (particularly my calves) and my back were VERY itchy! Well, my problem is that I wasn't drinking enough. I was a big drinker pre-op. In fact, I would drink morning, noon, and night and have drinks with me everywhere I went (in the car, class, etc). Since surgery I haven't had much of anything~especially water. The thing is I tire of everything so quickly. I have found a few friends in skim milk and tea. Maybe you are itchy because you aren't hydrated? A few post-opers have told me that in the past when I had a similar question. In any event, keep drinking! My surgeon said it's not as important to get 64oz of water in as it is to stay hydrated. If you can't drink water then try something else and work your way up to the water. :o) Good luck!
   — Tracy A.

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