I am not yet a year and I loosing too much weight, what do I do now?

I am well past my goal and continue to loose weight without exercise. I had a stricture before and am not sure if that is what is happening now. I am very limited on what and when I can eat.    — Sue K. (posted on January 22, 2003)

January 21, 2003
Hi...please let me know what you find out. I am 1 year postop and am 13 pounds underweight and having a heck of a time getting my weight loss to stop. I am interested in whatever you find out. Thanks and good luck.
   — hawk4life

January 22, 2003
The simplest way is to reverse the Pouch rules. Drink with meals, snack and graze more, and eat foods that are higher in calories. You are obviously not getting in enough calories to sustain your weight. Also if you have problems eating, drink liquids that are high in calories. There are healthy shakes that you can get at vitamin shops, like GNC, that will add weight. Many weight lifters use these to bulk up before competitions.
   — Cindy R.

January 22, 2003
I hit my goal in 1 year. For me what I do to keep from loosing weight is add carbs. I add fruits and vegi's for 1 meal. Then everything else I eat is protein. I will have 1 meal that is other than just protein and the other 2 meals are just protein. But to slow down the loss just eat leafy vegi's. For me I will eat a chicken cesar salad. Just remember you still have to get you daily amount of protein thru either eating or protein drink (which is what I do). If I can help just email me.
   — Richard M.

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