Does a taller person (5'9) have less excess skin after losing their weight ?

   — Sharon M. (posted on January 24, 2003)

January 23, 2003
Hi. Sorry, but the amount of excess skin is related to how overweight you were. I am 5'9" and I once weighed 417 pounds. I lost 200 on my own and gained 50 back slowly over a few years before I had lap RNY on 10/30/02. I had a whole bunch of plastic surgery already to remove the excess skin, when I was at my lowest weight (tummy tuck, arms, legs, breasts, chin). If you were super obese, you're going to have excess skin. Good luck!
   — Sarah S.

January 24, 2003
I am 5'9" and was 310 the morning of my surgery. I am down 125 pounds. I carried most of my weight in my stomach. I just knew it would be hanging down to my knees. It is not. I only have a little hand full. Not even enough to meet the requirements for a TT. I still have 25-30 pounds to go...
   — Sharon H.

January 24, 2003
I hope you will stop considering a RNY for only 50 lbs. It just is'nt worth it. I needed to lose 190 lbs (lost only but thankfully 160 lbs). I had to get my gallbladder out 10 months post op. Plus I'm still having intermitant severe pains that feel like gallbladder attacks. No one knows what is going on. I'm having potassium, B-12, iron (anemia), and osteroporosis problems. Oh and now LOW blood pressure (88/44) and frequent bouts of feeling as if I'm going to pass out. And there are other problems such as my athritus is much more painful and spreading. I don't regret the RNY as it was the last resort for me. And I just could'nt go on at 319 and 5' 2 1/2. But there are so many life long changes that just would'nt be worth it for only 50 lbs. As someone suggested, the Lap Band may be the way to go for you. But please don't consider gaining weight or haveing the RNY. I think you would highly regret ether. I was emotional prepaired for the changes, and for the most part can handle them. But even so, it is still very hard. WLS is not the easy way out. With surgery comes pain and possible complications and/or death. And once your guts are cut and rearranged you will NEVER, I repeat, NEVER BE THE SAME. You can NEVER go back to what you were. Yes, it some cases it can be reversed, but your insides will NEVER be the same. (Believe me, I know about bad surgeries and trying to put things back the way they were. You never can). I'm happy with my WLS... but I'm paying for it with nutricianal problems and more problems that keep cropping up. I sure don't know where it is going to end. The risk, for me, was worth it. But that is not to say, I like the problems I have. But it is'nt worth it for 50 lbs! Consider the Lap Band. It is my understanding that CAN BE REVERSED! Actually that is what I wanted to have done as I did'nt want my guts all cut up and rearranged. However I was to late to get into the trials... and by the time they approved the LAP BAND I already was approved for the RNY. I fought my insurance for 9 months to get approval for RNY and I was'nt going to fight to get it changed to the Band at that point. I wish I could have had it done. Please, consider it. It just is'nt worth all the pain and potential problems for 50 lbs. Best of luck to you.
   — Danmark

January 24, 2003
I am so sorry. I thought I was posting to another questions. Moduators, can you remove this? <Red faced with embarassement>
   — Danmark

January 24, 2003
hi there :) im 5 9 and started at 370, i had slimmer long arms and slimmer long legs for 370 but carried most of my weight in the tummy area so i have flab there that i dont like.yuk! i guess it depends on your starting weight, how ya carried it and skin. best of luck to you. :)
   — carrie M.

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